

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Things mums don't want to admit

As a mum you don't usually like to admit when times get tough, when you've hardly had any sleep because, A) your child has decided to take a sleep strike or B) you needed some down time and by down time I mean, half bottle of wine and copious amounts of offspring which then occurs to you as a bad idea in the am (we've all been there). I can't always blame Xavier for the choices I make or the excuses I use but I do, it's easier to blame a two year old for your messy house rather then to admit that you've just been a lazy bitch and avoided it like the plague. 
So here comes a few things I will admit I have used as excuses or even reasons I have told myself to make me feel better about why the washing pile has grown.
1. Sorry about my messy house, I've been so busy lately. Many of my family and friends have heard this come out of mouth and I know you all know that is not the truth. But I thank you  for saying that's ok you should see mine everytime, no really thanks.
2. The old we should catch up soon, it's been awhile. It's been awhile because catching up for coffee or lunch is about as easy as toilet training your toddler. Yep!
3. I feed my child vegetables every night, let's be honest here that's a big lie! We'll feed our toddlers whatever they'll eat, Xavier had a carrot stick for dinner with nachos but his tummy was full and so that means he'll sleep and that's the main thing.
4. I will never laugh the day my child says a swear word. Guilty, I had a giggle, it was funny however it is not funny when your in the supermarket and your toddler suddenly decides it's the perfect time to drop the f-bomb. 
5.  Last but not least, I am the perfect mother and I love to share. No I don't love to share the Chocolate bar I bought or the vanilla frappe with extra cream. You know why I got that extra cream not so I could share it with my little duckling, I got it because I like extra cream FOR MYSELF! Ok so I've hid in a different room so I don't have to share. I know we teach our children to be kind and share with others but sometimes as a mum I want that extra cream for myself. Do I feel guilty? not really, sorry. Xavier double dips and I have to admit I'm not a fan of the salvia sharing.
In saying all of this my life as a mum is pretty perfect or so I perceive on Instagram.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Having a two year old toddler

Ask me a year ago what I would have said about having a two year old toddler on my hands, I would have said I can't wait! Here I was with my six month old baby thinking mums whose children throw themselves on the floor of the supermarket (because they'll just die if they don't have that Freddo frog that is always conveniently placed where they can see them) is just really embarrassing. Until I turned into one of those mothers, you know the kind of mum who doesn't care if my child is having a complete meltdown over a chocolate bar because I'm too busy laughing at his facial reactions and pleases I'm getting from him. Xavier is a comedian and my constant entertainment, never a dull moment in my household. So here I am saying I admit defeat, I admit defeat to those mums who said to never use toddler and perfect in the same sentence. If I had to write a quick summary of my little x man it would be, loves to unpack everything that is neatly packed away almost immediately, has to repeat the word 'car' several times to ensure we are in fact leaving the house for an adventure, must be fussy with most foods but most importantly never eat vegetables, especially the green ones. If you got a boogey you better pick that bad boy out and wipe it on your tshirt, must tell mumma when I'm going to the toilet but never actually want to use the toilet. He's a real stuntman, a real funny kinda guy, the most perfect imperfect toddler, aside from most of the naughty things I have kindly pointed out he does do some angelic things. Such as kisses my cheek when he accidentally throws a toy car at me (or so he says) he says sorry when he drops a toy car on my foot or even when he puts a toy car in my hot tea of a morning. In case you haven't noticed he's also a real car lover *car car* and no I don't mean cat lover (hell no) he literally loves anything with a set of wheels, be it one wheel or four wheels, if it's got a set of wheels then Xavier's interested. So now that I'm coming to the end of my ramble I realize I haven't said many positive things about having a toddler because there is plenty. I have someone to trick into giving me a back rub and who can complain with that???