

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

a lazy thursday

Today started like any other day, early. For some reason today I'm lacking any energy or motivation and I could basically hibernate like a bear for months and probably still feel tired when I woke.
We've had a really lazy day, hot chocolates and toast for breakfast followed by a HUGE 3 hour nap on Xavier's behalf, I managed to sneak in a quick 30 minute nap and shower, the rest of the time I'm not going to lie I sat on the couch and watched trash tv while looking over at my killer folding pile hoping it would fold itself. Probably explains why my behind is growing to the size of Montana and why the zipper on my jeans apparently no longer wants to do up. I say this while dreaming of the chocolate frappe I drank (and regretted afterwards may I add!) late the other night. Xavier woke and now he's had a bath, had some food and seems to be in a better mood then what he was like before he had his nap, picture the gremlins when they turned naughty, that's Xavier when he's tired. While I'm on the subject of gremlin, what is it with boys and their private parts, nobody warned me how intrigued and abundantly funny it is to have their hands down their pants all the time. Apparently its even funny to put toy cars, really anything that can fit inside his underwear and tell me its 'hiding', so gross! Picking his nose is also a favorite as well as letting go of any sort of tummy gas he has while we're playing on the floor and suddenly its a great time to sit near my face. I don't think any sort of warning or prior information on how having a boy would really change my way of life would have helped. Its crazy but I love my little squashy boy more than chocolate frappe's and boy do I love those!

Wednesday, 11 November 2015


 Things have progressed for us in a fast rate as of lately, Xavier is now fully toilet trained and I personally feel like a super mum and total bad ass for achieving that hefty task although I'm still not a huge fan of having to wipe his behind region (and never will be!). His speech has also progressed quite quickly along with his attitude, threenager is definately a thing, people don't joke about these sort of things and it's 100% down right mind boggling.
Shutting himself in his room when he decides to be in a huff about well anything he decides to at the time really, could be because his socks are red and not blue or could even be that we're not going to the play center. The play center tantrum happens pretty regularly nowadays along with the fussiness of food. So basically I've just made having a toddler sound like a hard task at hand because yep it sure is! But I wouldn't change it for the world and I know all these things are temporary (hopefully that goes along with my insanity from watching too many toons a day). Along with all the tantrums, fussiness and big mess comes along moments of pure bliss which make the hard times a little less dysfunctional. Xavier is an absolute crack up, he makes me laugh very regularly and sometimes I cant get over how smart he is becoming. He does so many things that make me smile like making beds for his rabby or making pretend cakes from his pretend oven for me, all of these things contribute to something pretty darn special. I could write a list for days of all the things he does that make me feel like sunshine on a rainy day but the one that tops it is our bedtime routine, cuddles and I love you's. I don't even have to say it first anymore, so even on my bad days where I feel like a total failure, I hear those three little words from my special little person and I know I'm doing something right. Here is a few photo's that I've taken with my canon the last week since finally getting off my tush and formatting my card, for those people who have asked me in the past what lens I use its a 50mm and I eventually plan on getting a different lens as this one is really only the best for portraits. Although I'm not a camera expert so don't quote me on that information, its just what I've found personally.