

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Xavier turned 3.. 5 months ago!

I have taken a huge break from blogging of late because we've just had so much going on in our lives this year. I started school again because I decided to pursue a different career path and that alone has taken up majority of time. School, work, Xavier starting daycare this year and I rejoined the gym so I just crash and burn when I get home. But I realized I hadn't shared any of Xavier's 3rd birthday on my blog and that happened in April (laziest person ever) so tonight I'm jumping back on it so to speak.

Xavier went through a stage of being completely obsessed with Mickey mouse clubhouse and anything really Mickey mouse related (thanks mum!). So we themed his party around that which is hilarious now because he couldn't give two hoots about Mickey mouse nowadays and I can't say I'm complaining about the lack of 'hot diggity dog' playing in my household either.  I'm one of those mum's that plans there child's party months in advance and think I'm going really good with it all until the actual day then when I'm cooking and setting things up I have a flippin meltdown that would send anyone running from me! 

I say every year after the party that I'll never flippin do that again and yet I still do.... every year (so far anyway). But I see how much Xavier loves having a party with all his friends and family around and it makes all the money I spent on over priced party decorations worth it or I just tell myself that to make me feel like a good mum. Here's some photo's of Xav's birthday and birthday party that he probably won't remember when he's older anyways but still look cute.