It's been a crazy 3 1/2 years with this little guy in my life. I always wanted a little girl and just couldn't imagine ever being a mum to a little boy. In fact the whole thought of having a boy terrified me! I have 3 brothers and a sister so I knew what I was in for (sorta) if I was to in fact have a boy. Suddenly I was in actual fact having a boy and I had 18 weeks to get myself ready for that. I read all the baby books, went through long lists of boys names and found myself sadly putting down the pink cutesy dress and swapping them for blue overalls. 38 weeks arrived and out popped a little boy and all the daunting feelings I had about having a boy went away because he was the cutest thing I'd ever laid eyes on. My bond was instant and then I couldn't imagine what life would be like if he was actually a she. As the years have gone by (mighty quickly I'll add!!) I've gotten used to buying cars and not being phased by the word 'doodle'. No amount of reading could possibly sum up what it's like to raise a little boy, just as I'm sure it would be for a girl as well. I can't imagine buying dresses and headbands or even trading in blue for some pink. The only thing I can think of to sum up what it's like to have a boy is get ready to never ever be grossed out when your little boy is sitting on the couch with his hands down his pants having a grab of his boy parts and then consuming food afterwards. Now I'm 20 weeks pregnant, no clue as to what the gender of this baby is going to be. But if it pops out with a doodle we're ready to raise a family of boys and I'm ready to be fully outnumbered in our household. If it's a girl... that's a whole new ball game of things to learn. Either way I still have to push this baby out and fml if it's a labour like Xavier's!