

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

It's a boy!

I'm super slack with blogging currently; mainly because I'm busy being a mum to 2 kids now.
Thought I'd share my birth story (minus the gory details) because nobody wants to know about that. I was induced at 38 weeks because the way our baby was measuring up in the last few weeks they didn't want me popping out a whopper baby. When I went into hospital I was already 2cm and had been that way for 2 weeks so I was hoping the whole labour would go pretty quickly. I was wrong, again my body failed me (by my standards anyway). I spent all night having contractions only for them to check me and tell me I hadn't dilated and chances were I'd end up with a C- Section.
Just as they predicted that my body decided to start dilating and I got to 4cm then realized how much it was starting to hurt and how much worse it was going to get. This time around I knew I wanted the drugs, give me all the drugs I thought this time so I could not be so tired and enjoy meeting our little baby. Gas was on and Epidural was put in, I was vomiting the entire time I was in labour so I didn't eat and all I could stomach was water which also came up too. As soon as the epidural was put in I slept from 4cm - 9cm only waking occasionally to be sick. I started getting some pretty bad back pain from around 7cm which never really went away even when the epidural was turned up. I was told I was finally 10cm so it was time to get this baby out! I'm not entirely sure how long I pushed for but baby just wasn't coming out! I was starting to get exhausted; the doctor came in and told me I was still in fact 9cm not 10cm. He told us that baby was starting to get tired and that I probably wouldn't move past 9cm. So I was then sent off with Will to have a C-Section, finally we could meet our baby!! Epidural was pulled out and a spinal was put in due to the epidural wearing off whilst I was in labour. I honestly didn't feel a thing and didn't even know they were cutting me until they put our baby over the sheet so we could see him. There he was outside the womb finally!!! Our little baby boy, a head full of dark hair, weighing 7 pound (something) and 52cm long. Noah Avery Rice. The last 8 weeks with him has been amazing and I couldn't imagine our lives without him now. I'll share some more photo's soon and write a little about how he's been going since he has been born.