As a mum of boys my one goal is raising them to be kind, gentle and caring little men. I don't want them to ever treat others like rubbish, I don't want them to ever be bullies and I don't want them to ever treat women like they are beneath them.
I honestly believe it's our job as their parents to shape and guide them into being the best possible version of themselves they can be. Personally I want my boys to be able to feel like they can truly express their emotions, whether that be by crying, by telling me they feel sad or even asking for a hug.
I never want them to feel like it's not 'manly' enough to express these emotions or to feel like they have to be strong by not showing them at all. Xavier is a very gentle soul, he always has been. He's never been a 'fighter' as such; this used to worry me because I was worried he'd get pushed over as he grew older and attended school. But now I am proud that he is like this because I know it's such a great attribute to have, to be kind to others and sensitive to his feelings.
That doesn't go without saying he has also grown abit more of a backbone. He will let you know if you've pushed his buttons a little too far, he'll let you know when he's angry or if you've hurt his feelings. This is also ok with me because he is expressing how he is feeling emotionally rather than bottling it all up and exploding out in physical anger.
I hope for Noah to be just as sensitive and gentle as Xavier is, I'll continue to smother my boys with love. I'll continue to let them know to express emotions to me, to their friends and to their family. Because I want them to be kind, caring and respectful little gentleman who tell others how much they love and appreciate them.