

Monday, 25 September 2017

The gro company

I've recently collabrated with The gro company to show you guys how easy and great a couple of the new and most popular products are. I'll go into a little about what the product does and how we used it in our everyday life.

Ollie the owl; Ollie is a sleep sound machine (white noise). Ollie makes 4 different sleep sounds, 3 different volumes, a light up belly and turns himself back on if your baby wakes.
I love how Ollie is gender neutral so it makes it easy to put him into a nursery. I've found our experience so far with Ollie really well. He has helped put our little Noah to sleep and for me that is a big tick of approval. White noise is a 'must have' for any new parent, i've used it with Noah right from the start.

The gro clock; most of you would know The gro company from the popular gro clock. I've been using this with Xavier and he has loved it. Xavier is a great sleeper, I never have to worry about him going to bed. However there is times where Xavier likes my day to start early. Really super duper early and I'm not a fan of starting my day anytime before 6:30am. So I set the time for 6:30am and explained to him he couldn't get up until the sun came up. That if he sees a moon it is not time to get up just yet. So far, so good! He has enjoyed the concept and it doubled as a nightlight whilst he was going down to sleep. A great product if you have a toddler or child that perhaps may like you starting your day extra early too!

Lastly the new Groegg2; this little device is a room temperature gage. It helps take a little of the stress off when it comes to knowing what to dress your baby/toddler in, what tog sleepbag they need (another item i'd higher suggest to a new parent) and whether you may need to warm or cool down the room. Groegg2 helps you to create a safe sleep space for your baby and also doubles as a nightlight. The actual eggshell itself changes colours to allow you to choose what tog sleepbag to use. I've found the groegg2 super easy to use, all you have to do is plug the usb into a port and pop it on a shelf or bedside table. It's also gender neutral and just blends into a nursery. 

Thanks to The gro company i'm currently doing a giveaway to celebrate the new Groegg2! Head on over to my Instagram page (@hannahpurd) to find out the details. Also head to (@thegrocompanyaus) and the website linked www.thegrocompany.com.au to buy any of these products plus more.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Remembering our babies

October 15th. This day to most would mean nothing, just another day. For some this day now signifies a huge event or time in their lives. I am in fact one of those few people, why you ask am I one?
3 years ago I lost a baby boy who we named Flynn Edward. I have a post about why etc. on my blog. He is in fact my second born child and I am a mum to 3 boys (biologically). 

Thanks to an amazing lady Maria Bond I have a day to share with other parents who have experienced the loss of a child. This day is called 'pregnancy and infant loss rememberance day' in Tasmania.
A day I can cry, talk and mourn with other parents who have experienced the same crippling emotions I too have experienced.
On this day I remember all the raw emotions I felt and still do feel now. It is hard to explain the emotions, all I can do is share some of the moments I do remember. Sorry in advance if this effects you or if you don't want to read anything remotely negative. I completely understand! 
I remember crying so much whilst I sat on the cold bathroom floor right next to the toilet trying to stop vomitting.
I remember putting on a front whilst Xavier was awake so he couldn't see my pain I was feeling.
I remember labouring for hours on end in the most traumatic pain i'd experienced because these kind of labours aren't your normal type ones.
I remember touching his cold fragile skin in his crib.
I remember the strange feeling I felt leaving my baby in the hospital.
I remember organising his funeral and looking at tiny coffins wondering why this cruel thing had happened to me.
I remember thinking how beautiful the flowers people had bought for us were on my bench but also wanted to put them in the bin because they reminded me of why I was numb.
I remember packing up the nursery I had started to put together.
I remember having to tell people over facebook why I was no longer having a gender reveal.
I remember my breasts leaking and being in pain knowing I could only express enough to take away the pressure.
I remember my hair falling out for months and the reminder it gave me that I did lose my baby.
I remember my first social outting after losing him.
I remember looking down at my new stretch marks and knowing I had a constant reminder that I carried this little boy for so many months.
These are just some of the negative emotions I felt and I truely wish I could say that you deal with it fine. You don't you just learn to deal with it better, one baby step at a time. But on a positive note I am so amazed that Maria has worked so hard to get this day recognised for all of us in Tasmania. Maria continues every year to support families with this difficult time. Thankyou SO much Maria. You truely inspire me.