
Monday, 30 October 2017
Life after loss
I really contemplated writing this for awhile. Mainly because i'm not always sure how to put how I feel into words. But I know when I felt uncertain, confused, worried or even anxious it helped me to read others experiences. So today I am writing a piece about my angel boy and why it was finally my time to have a little rainbow. Losing Flynn was the hardest thing i've ever gone through and to be honest I didn't feel any pain or sadness at the time. I only felt numb and I think that was the only way I could cope at the time. I was numb for a very lengthy amount of time as it helped me when I had to labour him. It helped me when I had to name him, when I had to choose his coffin and when I had to pack up his nursery. It even helped me when I was experiencing a relationship breakdown 2 weeks after his death. So when people ask how I felt at the time I have to tell them I can't even remember. I was basically a walking zombie just trying to get through the day. I couldn't sleep my days away like I wanted to because I had a 1 year old toddler who needed me. If it weren't for Xavier I don't know how I would be now. I don't even want to imagine to be honest. Growing Flynn was a tough time, in the back of my mind I always knew something wasn't right. So going in for my 20 week scan was daunting. I never felt Flynn move freely in my womb, it was always quite jolted movements. Which in time I would find out was because I didn't have enough amniotic fluid surrounding him. I always thought because I am young it could never happen to me. I would never be a statistic and I would go on to have healthy pregnancies. Which obviously was very naive of me so when I found out I was pregnant with Noah instead of being happy I became an anxious mess. I was anxious my whole pregnancy and I was seeing someone during my pregnancy to help me sort of deal with those emotions. I hoped everytime I had a scan that the feeling of anxiety would go. However it didn't, so when I was in labour and struggling all over again (my body hates birthing babies) I was in fear. Fear of losing my little rainbow I longed for. I was scared to be a disappointment again. Then there he was pulled out of my belly, my little rainbow boy. I truely believe Flynn gave me Noah. He gave me a boy, a cheeky little boy to fill a little of the emptiness I had in my heart. I wasn't ever destined for a girl because Flynn wanted me to have a little boy and for Xavier to have a little brother just as he was supposed too. I am grateful everyday that I was given another baby, I feel I apprecaite Noah and pregnancy so much more now than I ever did. Pregnancy is very draining on me not only physically but also very emotionally. I think that's the reason I no longer feel the need to have more babies down the track. Because it's so tough on me mentally I can't imagine experiencing that anxiety again. The fear of losing another baby will never leave me. I have all I need in my arms now and I'm finally content with my blessings.
Life after loss; forever my baby you'll be (Flynn).
For anyone who has also suffered loss of a infant/child I am truely sorry. Please know you are not alone and to seek help if you feel you need to have a little chat. There is almost always a rainbow after the rain. Always remind yourself of that.
All my love, H
(the onesie/romper Noah is wearing is from the nest Aus). And yes it's our fave!
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
What's been going on lately..
I started this blog in 2013, 4 1/2 years ago I had a little baby (Xavier) and I wanted to share my life as a first time mum. Mainly for myself to look back on as a sort of 'online' diary. It started to turn into more until I lost my second son Flynn. I took a fairly large break and when I felt ready I got slowly back into the swing of sharing and writing. I fell pregnant with Noah and somehow I formed a new found love and creativity for instagram. I've always shared my life on instagram but realised it could be much more. I've always enjoyed writing, photography and connecting with others. Using social media to do just that; be social! So slowly over the last few months i've found my 'new' groove in which I can be totally creative without limitation. I've made new 'online' friends who have helped me in times when I have felt dark. There is plenty of things I love (and also loathe) about instagram and why my blog and writing I suppose has taken a back burner. now most of my 'real life' friends are probably like girlfriend we noticed you up'd your insta game. To those who have totally supported me doing so Thankyou! No really, I mean that with all of my being. I'm growing my gram game into a business. Business? Wth you on women you say? Well if you haven't heard of the team influencer then google it man! Now I use the term 'influencer' on myself very loosely as I don't really like being called that. But that's my Biz, my jam, the thing i've been enjoying doing SO and I really mean SO (in caps) much. Why Hannah you ask? I can basically put all the things I love into one big thing. Photography, styling, connecting, making new friends, being social and spending time with my babies. So everytime you click on that cute little heart, double tap on my photo or comment on my posts you are supporting me. Little Hannah from Tasmania. If you don't interact/engage on my posts chances are you'll lose me. Huh lose? Girl you just clingy af? No i'm not really haha Insta likes to make us instagrammers (even people who post rarely) work hard and hustle. You will (Truely) only see my posts on your feed (cause I post on the reg guys) if you show me a little bit of love. If you already do than seriously we can be bffs because you are the best! You are the reason I can keep posting those damn cute af baby outfits and also the reason my hat game is getting strong. Do I just post anything i'm asked or sent? No I do not and will not ever post about something I wouldn't personally use or buy myself. I would lose respect from the following i'm growing and I wouldn't be being my true self which is what I always intend to be. If you see me recommend something it's because I really do think it's the bomb! My heart and soul goes into everything I post. Caption, photo, product and babies. Anyway now that i've talked your ear off, explained why and what i'm currently upto. I hope you join me or continue to join me on my journey through motherhood and media.
Much love, H
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