Xavier's finally gotten the idea of what the toilet is for and what the little potty in the corner of the toilet is doing sitting there. Unfortunately even though he knows what they are used for, Xavier still has trouble realizing the potty isnt going to bite his cute little tush off. We've even started bribing with his favourite food ... Lollies (according to him and who am I to doubt a two year old who has all the opinions on everything including which way I put his shoes on!?) . Well if he had it his way he'd be having them for breakfast, lunch and dinner and I don't blame him sometimes I feel the same about chocolate (can eat a block in one sitting.) Well rewarding and bribing doesn't seem to work either but regardless I will put it out there, toilet training is tideous! In fact I would rather change 20 nappies than sit on the cold floor trying to convince my two year old why he should go and stop pretending he is with his scrunched up face and straining sounds. I'll give him credit it's half believable and quite hilarious. With that being said I'll be relieved when I don't have to freeze my own tush off every morning putting poopy nappies in the bin outside,the cute little undies with cars on them are finally being used and I get more embarrassing moments of Xavier shouting to me in aisle 6 that 'I need to poo mummy, mummy it's coming, it's poo!!' all while holding his bottom and doing the I'm pooping face.
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