

Monday, 3 February 2014

The Wonder Weeks

When Xavier was just a newborn I had a few suggestions on studying a thing called 'wonder weeks'. There are 10 different leaps that your baby will go through in a space of 1 1/2 years of their lives.

These leaps are where your baby will become more fussy, irritable, harder to get to sleep or even more fussy with bottles/food. Not every baby will show this behavior as each baby is so different but on a an average scale it happens with most.

1- Changing sensations (4 1/2wks - 5 1/2wks)
2- Patterns (7 1/2wks - 9 1/2wks)
3- Smooth transitions (11 1/2wks - 12 1/2wks)
4- Events (14 1/2wks - 19 1/2wks)
5- Relationships (22 1/2wks - 26 1/2wks)
6- Categories (33 1/2wks - 37 1/2wks)
7- Sequences (41 1/2wks - 46 1/2wks)
8- Programs (50 1/2wks- 54 1/2wks)
9- Principles (59 1/2wks - 64 1/2wks)
10- Systems (70 1/2wks - 76 1/2wks)

There is a fantastic App for Apple and Android called 'the wonder weeks' which explains more in detail about each leap, what your baby may experience during this leap, what your baby could possibly learn after the leap has finished and at what leap stage they are by a special chart. It is by far the greatest App a mummy could have! Its only $99c and worth every cent!

Xavier has been very on par with every leap and every change the app says hes going through and it puts my mind at ease knowing its not something im doing but rather what his mind and body have to do to learn and grow. Fantastic 10/10!!

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