I was induced on the 16th April 2013, little did I know what I was truly in for. A long 2 days of labour, my partner, my mother and 2 midwives were with me in the birthing suite as we were patiently waiting for a little bundle of cuteness to be born. The day I went for inducement due to gestational diabetes, I reluctantly chose to help out with a study the hospital was conducting. I was to either have the gel or the balloon, unfortunately for me I got the balloon, BIG MISTAKE!
So once the balloon was done I sat back in bed and again waited, fifteen minutes later I started to get some intense cramping that as hour and hour went by got worse, my partner had to listen to me moan and groan all night in agony from the contractions the balloon was causing. 7am came and finally they took the balloon away, only to be told I was 2cm dilated, what a joke! 8am and they broke my waters maybe this was going to fasten things up surely? Lunchtime came and everyone in the birthing suite was taking guesses on when Xavier would make his grand arrival, meanwhile im sitting in bed not a care in the world not knowing how bad my contractions were going to get.
I wanted a drug free relaxed birth, yea right... My plans soon changed when after a day and a half I was still in labour. Everytime one of the midwives checked he still wasn't dilating as fast as they thought, so I ended up on a fit ball bouncing for dear life hoping this would wriggle him down. Still very determined to not have any drugs, by that night and check after check he was dilating but still not fast enough, seriously I thought id never meet this little man. So after many times of saying no to drugs I finally gave in when I realised how exhausted I was getting, I had the gas and a epidural. In hindsight I would definitely get the epidural asap so I could remain relaxed and not get as exhausted as I did. 1am came and Xavier finally decided it was time to meet us, he was beautiful and well worth every second of pain and exhaustion I went through. Then came the battle of diabetes again, Xavier was having to get checked every 2/3 hours for his sugar levels due to my gestational diabetes (which I know longer have) I had to feed him as much as possible and I have never been so sore! By day 2 my baby had to be taken into special care as his sugar levels dropped a sufficient amount enough to be worried, my partner and I were doing skin to skin contact with him and trying to get him to attach as much as possible for my supply to increase.
Day 4 and Xavier was back in with us and out of special care nursery, by the end of day 4 my supply finally came in and breastfeeding became a whole lot easier! My abdominal separation was thankfully only 4cm wide so that closed up very easy, except I did have an incredible body ache that no one warned me of. The after birth contractions were probably the worse, everytime Xavier attached while I was feeding him I was popping down the panadol, now anyone who knows me knows I never take panadol or any sort of drug unless its really needed. I was crying and telling my partner that I couldn't continue to do it, luckily he supported me and pushed me into continuing and knew it was a baby blues moment of insanity as I really wanted to breastfeed! Luckily by day 5 my body was recovering well, Xavier was feeding well and I was showering, doing my hair and makeup by this time, sinch!
Day 7 we were finally aloud to take our little bundle of goodness home! Blessed beyond comparison we were ecstatic and totally in love with one another. I think that car ride was the longest car ride home ever, we had a fragile week old baby in the car so understandable. Overwelmed and very nervous our little Xavier was abit shakey at first in the new environment so alot of skin to skin contact happened that day. By the end of the first week thankfully my stomach was pretty much back to pre baby and I was nearly fitting in my old jeans, size 6 pants again I was a very happy lady! The afternoon of our homecoming we took Xavier out to our nearest shopping centre, we were probably the happiest two people alive and couldn't wipe the smitten smiles off our faces. We were a family.
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