Bath time, lets be honest it's a parents second favourite time of the day, the first being that you wake up to a healthy happy child. Your day of non stop running around chasing after your little has come to an end and you finally get to have a rest! So I always try and make our feed,bath and bed routine as fun as possible, sometimes thats hard when your baby/child is overtired but somehow we push through those last few hours left of the day with them. Xavier has extremely sensitive skin just like me unfortunately so his skincare products have to be organic with as much non-chemical in it as possible. I have tried product after product and it only has made Xaviers eczema worse, thankfully Xavier doesn't itch or get upset by his eczema but it spreads if I'm not careful. So I'm sharing some of my favourite products that I use of Xaviers skin and swear by them!
Eco Store Baby Products- I used these for the first time the other day and can't get enough of how good they are, no nasty chemicals, no synthetic perfumes and best part is they are great for sensitive baby skin. Perfect for your bedtime routine also as they contain lavender and geranium which is known for its great effects on helping with sleep. Best part is the baby soap has goats milk in it and enriched with vitamin E which both go hand in hand with the treatment of eczema. I highly recommend using these products, you can find them in Coles in the baby isle.
Coconut Oil- Completely obsessed with coconut oil! Its great for your skin and your hair, it helps to maintain and add moisture to your skin and hair, actually has the ability to help with fine lines and sagging skin by keeping your skins connective tissues strong. I found this has helped Xaviers eczema and is much better than any other moisturiser i've ever used on both Xaviers and my skin. Best part is, it doesn't matter if he decides to have a taste and dig his hand into the jar, because its also great for you to eat on a daily basis, it eases digestion, helps to control weight and good fatty acids. Make sure if your buying coconut oil, you buy organic and 'extra virgin' especially if your using it for your skin.
Lavender Oil- Another great thing to have on hand, Xavier isn't a great sleeper sometimes he can wake a few times a night and usually on needs reassure that your there and to give him back his favourite 'rabbey'. I find this oil helps alot more with his sleep as like I said before lavender has great benefits to help with relaxing and sleep. I dab a drop on each foot and rub it in, seems to do the trick!

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