Pregnancy, I was only 5 weeks along when I clued in that I was pregnant, my body felt different, I felt tired, unwell and late. Pregnancy test confirmed exactly what I thought! Little did I know what my body would go through in the next 9 months and how big my butt could actually get! By 6 weeks i got the common 'morning sickness' although i'd more describe it as a horrible lingering hangover you have constantly and i'd say mine always got worse at night. I tried the ginger biccies, the ginger tea, the ginger ale and nothing worked, now I'm sworn off ginger for the rest of my life, dry toast with peanut butter seemed to do the trick for a little while and a good course of medication worked wonders. for the first 12/13 weeks I think I got as much sleep as I ever have in my life, honestly I could have napped all day and still slept all night except for the constant toilet stops that interrupted my sleeps. Then suddenly my first trimester was gone and by 15 weeks so was my morning sickness (what a relief), 12 weeks and we saw the little bean who wasn't such a little bean anymore jumping and doing flips in my belly, can not describe that feeling to anyone and any other mumma will know just how I felt at that scan! By 20 weeks I finally had a 'pregnant' belly and didn't just look like a had too much lunch, I was completely enjoying my new little belly and loved dressing in tighter tops to show it off! I felt kicks by now and shortly after at around 24 weeks my partner did too! Also by week 20 I was getting braxton hicks, they are alot stronger than I originally thought and i swear every time I had them I was worried I was going into early labour, when obviously I look back now thinking how naive I was as braxton hicks are nothing compared to the real deal. 27 weeks and our little Baby garland decided he'd try to make an entrance into the world and thankfully he was stopped but I also found out I had gestational diabetes (woohoo)!!! So I was taught how to finger prick myself and test my sugar levels everytime I ate food and an hour after food, unfortunately changing and managing my diet wasn't enough to keep my sugar levels at a reasonable level so I had to start to inject insulin in my belly to control the levels which for a person with a needle phobia was a pretty big deal! I will admit the first time I did it I was lying down on my parents couch crying hysterically like a 2 year old but I eventually got used to it and it never bothered me in the end. By week 34 I had to stop working as I was getting to run down from being on my feet hairdressing as I kept getting infection and infection and slowly my pregnancy was becoming more of a ticking time bomb that I couldn't wait for it to explode so I could have my body back and a healthy baby. Week by week they were getting longer and I was quickly running out of things to do, I packed my hospital bag several times and researched all about newborns, with hot flushes and getting very sick of wearing maxi dresses my poor partner was going insane by my whinging of being pregnant still. Week 37 and they gave me an inducement date of week 38 due to my gestational diabetes which usually leads to larger babies, xavier was only 6 Pound 12o so no idea why they were so worried. I was so excited that in a weeks time I was going to be holding my baby, 2 days before inducement I was cleaning the house and watching plenty of tv. Inducement day came and I thought i'd be very organised and wash, dry and straighten my hair, put on fake eyelashes and makeup and even put fake tan on. Well after a 2 day labour that fake tan soon came off and so did every fake eyelash I put on but it was ok because I had the best gift in the world and was totally smitten with Baby Garland! I can't wait to experience pregnancy again and give Xavier a baby brother or sister and I will love every moment of bringing new life into the world, pregnancy is such a blessing and you usually don't realise it until after your baby is born and you reflect on what your amazing body has done.
12 Week Ultrasound
26 Weeks Pregnant
20 Weeks Pregnant
12 Week Ultrasound, Baby Garland saying hello to mummy and daddy
18 Weeks Pregnant
32 Weeks Pregnant
20 Week Ultrasound
32 Weeks Pregnant
37 Weeks Pregnant
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